
Redwood Area Industries

While the Redwood Area offers many recreational opportunities, it also offers many types of industries and employment opportunities. Redwood County has a diverse manufacturing base including electronics, welding, renewable energy, medical/health care appliances, furniture, wood, and housing construction. It is also strong in healthcare, offering a variety of health related experts and services, and specialized care. Additionally, agriculture plays a substantial role in the local and regional economy as well, both in crop production and research and development. Education and educational services and retail round out the top five industry areas in Redwood County. (Information from MN DEED)

Ag Day


  • Total Employment: 9,539 jobs
  • Farm Employment: 1,192 jobs

Minnesota has 73,000 farms totaling nearly 26 million acres, of farmland, of the state’s 54 million acres of land.

In 2016, Redwood County produced a total of 11.4 million bushels of soybeans, with an average of 56.7 bushels per acre, and just over 47 million bushels of corn, with over 202 bushels per acre. Redwood County ranked #2 in the state for soybeans and #3 in the state for corn, for largest producers of those crops.

Minnesota’s growing season varies depending on where you are in the state: 100 days in the north to 150 days in the south.

Facts from Minnesota Department of Agriculture and the USDA.

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