Redwood Falls Aquatic Center

Redwood Falls Aquatic Center

Looking for an activity the whole family can enjoy? The Redwood Falls Aquatic Center offers water slides, diving boards, a water walk, an aqua climb wall, and a zero
entry area with many interactive play features for children of all ages.

Zero Depth Entry Play Area

aquatic center The Zero Depth Entry Play Area is a 3,986-square-foot area loaded with wonderful play features for kids of all ages. A Tropical Fish Kiddie Slide, a multi play system, a dozen floor geysers, an interactive water table, and a set of water dump buckets greet you as you enter the Aquatic Center.

Diving, Plunge, Swim and Lap Swim Areas

Three-meter and one-meter diving boards, as well as a 12-foot Aquaclimb climbing wall, challenge you as you enter the diving area. This area ranges in depth from 5 feet to 12 feet and is open to adults and children who have passed level two swimming lessons.

The Plunge Area acts as the drop site for two 31-feet, 5-inch-high slides. The first slide is a 42-inch Open Body Flume Slide that is 214 feet, 9 inches long with the second slide being a 32-inch Enclosed Body Flume Slide that is 143 feet, 4 inches long. Participants must be at least 48 inches tall to go down the slides by themselves or they must be accompanied by an adult.

The Swimming and Lap Swim Area is a 3,292-square-foot area with water depth ranging from 3-feet, 6-inches to 5-feet.

Lily Pad Walk

lily pads The Lily Pad Walk is housed in a 355-square-foot area with the water depth ranging from 3 feet, 6 inches to 4 feet. The foam floatables which are anchored to the base of the pool serve as a movable challenge for the participants. Participants must be tall enough to reach the top cargo net so they can make it to the opposite side.

Redwood Falls Aquatic Center
501 S. Gould Street
Redwood Falls, MN 56283

Call 507-616-7455 or visit Redwood Area Community Center for more information.

Aquatic Center Slide
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