Member Benefits

What does the Chamber do?

The diversity and range of Chamber activities are limitless! To visitors, the Chamber is the face of the city. We answer hundreds of inquiries about our city through personal visits to the office, phone calls, fax, email and by mail. Our members benefit every day from these referrals. The Chamber is dedicated to promoting a vibrant business environment. The Chamber is a strong voice for our members and we actively seek to influence national, state and local legislation affecting business. Chamber members are committed to improving our community and are supportive of activities to improve the quality of life of the Redwood area. Many businesses choose the Chamber as a forum to give back to the entire community.

Redwood Valley High School Visit Progress Award 1

Reasons to join Redwood Area Chamber and Tourism include:


When you join a chamber and get actively involved, you'll discover that meeting others in business who can refer you to key contacts is a huge benefit of membership.

Low Cost Advertising Opportunity

Chamber members have access to a wide range of affordable advertising options and sponsorship packages for big or small budgets.

Ongoing Training and Education

Attend affordable programs to stay updated, informed, and educated on relevant information for your business or non-profit organization.


Meet new contacts, referrals, and people who can help you with ideas and additional ways to grow your business.


Stand out from the competition and fully leverage the benefits of a Chamber membership to get an edge in your field.


The Chamber keeps its members updated on central issues pertaining to their membership and the community.

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Frequently Asked Questions


Hear from Our Chamber Members

"We are a Chamber member because we need a strong advocate for the business community and an organization to unite everyone. The Chamber works hard at this every day. I know our business community is stronger because of the work being done behind the scenes."

Trevor Wittwer
Owner - Functional Fitness

Ready to be a Member?

The possibilities are limitless with a membership in Redwood Area Chamber & Tourism!

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Redwood Area Chamber is looking for a Summer Intern!

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